Violenza domestica e stupro coniugale nelle leggi di Bangladesh, Egitto, Marocco e Pakistan
Deborah SCOLART, Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza Fascicolo n. 3/2022.
«The concept of cultural defence highlights the different understanding on the unlawfulness of a conduct. This is the case of domestic violence and marital rape that are somehow justified under Islamic law by those who commit these crimes. Bangladesh, Egypt, Morocco and Pakistan are countries of origin of the biggest Muslim communities in Italy; it is therefore necessary to verify if and how these conducts are regulated by local laws, in order to understand how well-founded is the alleged legal-religious justification of violence against women.»Accesso diretto alla rivista, 2022-1:
Gender Law Newsletter FRI 2023#2, 01.06.2023 - Newsletter abonnieren