UN Women Annual Report 2019-2020 and publications
UN Women summarizes a year of accomplishments on 16 pages and around four subheadings: «we led the setting of agendas; we mobilized people to act on women’s rights, we shared knowledge to accelerate progress and we transformed lives on the ground». Each of the four sections contains summaries of UN Women actions around the world, among them campaigns to stop violence against women, leading gender-responsive humanitarian action, promoting peace or women and girls’ decision-making regarding biodiversity.
UN Women also published many publications on different topics, such as:
Sexual harassment against women with disabilities in the world of work and on campus
Good practices in gender-responsive evaluations
Gender, climate and security: Sustaining inclusive peace on the frontlines of climate change
Regarding the sanitary crisis, many of the publications put the COVID-19 at the center of the preoccupation of UN Women, such as:
COVID-19 and the care economy
COVID-19 and conflict: Advancing women’s meaningful participation in ceasefires and peace processes
Addressing emerging human trafficking trends and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
Gender-responsive humanitarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic
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