Migration governance and protection of victims of human trafficking between stereotypical narratives and normative bias: a second internal frontier?

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Roberta Maria Aricò, Governance migratoria e protezione delle vittime di tratta tra narrazioni stereotipiche e bias normativi: una seconda frontiera interna? - Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza, fascicolo n. 2/2023

«AbstractTrafficking in human beings has been studied as a phenomenon involving specific identities and exploitative scopes, focusing mainly on the sexual exploitation of migrant women and girls. Still, the crystallisation of stereotypical narratives on victims’ identities and features affecting legal frameworks and their judicial implementation in Italy did not embrace the actual complexity of human trafficking. Indeed, this phenomenon ranges diverse – and often overlapping – forms of exploitation and involves a wide variety of victims’ profiles differing for gender, age, country of origin, sexual orientation and migratory background. As a result, those who do not fit within the so-called ideal victim model may risk being overlooked during the identification process and denied any form of international and complementary protection. Thus, the present article intends to analyse legal frameworks, policy documents, guidelines and samples of domestic case law on international protection and human trafficking through socio-legal lenses and shed light on a second internal border rising from often biased and discriminatory forced migration governance.»

Direct Link to the article (dirittoimmigrazionecittadinanza.it)

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