Feminism for the 99%
Cinzia ARRUZZA, Tithi BHATTACHARYA, Nancy FRASER / Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto.
These three eminent American scholars have decided to write a manifesto together to define, in 11 theses, what a Feminism for the 99% should be and what it should defend Feminism for the 99% rejects liberal feminism which is market-centered and supplies the perfect alibi for neoliberalism. Therefore, Feminism for the 99% is anticapitalist as well as anti-racist and anti-imperialist. Indeed, “for systemic reasons, capitalism has always created classes of racialized human beings, whose persons and work are devalued and subject to expropriation”. Feminism for the 99% is also eco-socialist. Capitalism appropriates nature without any regard for replenishment and abuses fossilized energy causing an ecological crisis. Yet “women occupy the front lines of the present ecological crisis, making 80 percent of climate refugees”. The three scholars stress that Feminism for the 99% must join forces with radical movements worldwide. The book concludes that “Feminism for the 99 percent is a restless anticapitalist feminism – one that can never be satisfied with equivalence until we have equality, never satisfied with legal rights until we have justice, and never satisfied with democracy until individual freedom is calibrated on the basis of freedom for all”.
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