Police systemically failed to prevent gender-based violence – Violation of Art. 2 ECHR taken in conjunction with Art. 14 ECHR
European Court of Human Rights, judgment, 8 July 2021, Tkhelidze v. Georgia (Application no. 33056/17).
«The case concerned the Georgian authorities’ failure to protect the applicant’s daughter from domestic violence and to conduct an effective investigation into the matter. The Court found that the police had to have been aware that the applicant’s daughter had been in danger. Despite the various protective measures that they could have implemented, they had failed to prevent gender-based violence against her, which culminated in her death. The Court found that the police inaction could be considered a systemic failure. There was a pressing need to conduct a meaningful inquiry into the possibility that gender-based discrimination and bias had been behind the police’s lack of action.»
Direct link to the judgment (hudoc.echr.coe.int)
Accès direct au communiqué de presse (hudoc.echr.coe.int)
Direct link to the press release (hudoc.echr.coe.int)
FRI - Gender Law Newsletter 2021#3 - IV.6