Secrets and Rights: Balancing the Right to Know One’s Origins with Women’s Anonymity in ECtHR Case Law


10. April 2025
University of Zurich in room KOL-E-21

The URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded is pleased to announce that Judge María Elósegui from the European Court of Human Rights will deliver a guest lecture titled "Secrets and Rights: Balancing the Right to Know One’s Origins with Women’s Anonymity in ECtHR Case Law." The lecture will take place on 10. April 2025, from 18:30 to 19:30, at the University of Zurich in room KOL-E-21, followed by an apéro.

This event is hosted by H2R in collaboration with the project "Who is the Court for? Bringing the Human (back) into Human Rights Research", led by Prof. Alice Margaria and funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. The event is also supported by the UZH Alumni Association.